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Jewellers CRM Software

Jewellers CRM Software – The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system has transformed the way vendors deal with their clients. With the ever-growing evolution of the internet surge, business corporations stand to snatch various amenities on the board. CRM for the jewelry industry also keeps a considerable impact. It is vital for a business to opt for a jewelry CRM system.

CRM is a cloud-based digital platform to let you streamline your business efforts and clientele. It further integrates plenty of modules to meet your specific business requirements. Using CRMs, you are set to manage the sales process and keeps customers in a centralized database.

Moreover, CRM strikes to collect the best services to help businesses manage their priceless relations with clients. They cover almost every industry with specific skills to serve a particular industry most reliably.

What is Jewellery CRM?

Like other CRMs for specific industries, jewelry CRM is dedicatedly designed to cater to the jeweler’s needs. It adopts tons of integrates algorithms to serve retailers in handling customer relations, tracking orders, and managing leads/prospects to ensure better business management.

Furthermore, jewelry CRM software helps you find more deals, close more leads, and gives more insights into sale/purchase reports. You will have thorough information about customers, including personal, transaction history, dues, and other related areas.

How Can CRM Software be Helpful for Jewellery Retailers?

Why should jewelers use a digital customer relationship management tool? As we all know, businesses under other industries are cultivating numerous benefits by implementing CRMs into processes. Then why can’t the jewelry industry do?

We have CRMs, assembled explicitly for jewelers, bringing several advantages as below:

  • Jewelry CRM helps understand the customer needs and provides an efficient platform to form strategies to meet demands.
  • It ensures timely communications with clients alongside maintaining conversation history.
  • Further, CRMs come with centrally compiled storage to store documents, etc.
  • Jeweler CRM can schedule follow-up tasks and meetings with clients to create a better environment for business growth.
  • Significantly, CRM for jewelry keeps a track record of customer activities such as website visits, email, phone calls, SMSs, etc.
  • It provides an intuitive dashboard to showcase project reports lively.
  • Users will have a full analysis of conversions for a specific period to have better comparison reports.
  • Additionally, good jewelry CRM lets you remind of weddings, personal anniversaries, birthdays, and other seasonal greetings.

Best CRMs for the Jewellery Industry

Now, let’s mull over some of the best and industry-leading customer relationship management software for jewelry businesses.

WHSuites CRM

WHSuites CRM for jewelers is one of the widely used cloud-based tools when it comes to managing business processes digitally. It combines a plethora of scientific protocols to serve respective dealers for better outcomes.

Further, WHSuites CRM is radically utilizing technologies to transform your jewelry business into a more efficient, simple, agile, and profitable entity. It is a pioneer in the segment with worldwide clientele and positive response. Some of the major features include social media integration, reviewing missed or escalated activities, sending email/SMS reminders, getting daily sales reports, quick communication, and improved customer relationships.


Smartwerks is another online tool that helps jewelers alongside various other business vendors. It is a cloud-based, inventory and accounting solution that is accessible on multiple devices.

Further, it also embeds an intelligent dashboard to centralized your processes for better and quicker data analysis. You will also consume growth reports, client data navigation, and online storage to save documents.

Cratio CRM

Cratio CRM software offers a complete lead management system for jewelry shops. It can capture leads automatically and distribute leads further to sales teams.

Some additional features you get with this comprehensive tool are email/SMS, cloud storage, telephony integration for unified communication, identifying hot leads, and monitoring lead status.


It is primarily designed to help jewelry stores that deal with the jewelry trade, retailers, diamond dealers, and manufacturers. The CRM software has inculcated tons of worthful features to ease your business puzzles.

In terms of crucial characteristics, JewelMate provides wholesale management, jewelry design, customer purchase history, appraisal management, repair tracking, and more.

  1. Diaspark

Diaspark CRM for jewelry empowers your marketing decisions and customer relations. It understands your target audience and reduces customer acquisition costs to gain higher ROI.

Furthermore, Diaspark contains complete sales history, comprehensive reports, sales history, managing customer trends, and follow-ups.


Installing a jewelry CRM affects your business predominantly. Today’s cut-throat competition has perused marketers to adopt the latest technologies to gain what they are striving for. Now, it seems that survival without these digitally-driven tools is no longer possible.

The list houses some qualified customer relationship management software for the jewelry industry. You need to make an action plan to incorporate data-driven strategic tools into business processes to grab the maximum potential.

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